Six Things You Need to Know Before Using Pantyliners
The female hygiene industry has a huge number of products that look after the needs of every woman. Any body type, any lifestyle habit or any level of movement, personal hygiene products have the solution to every female problem. One of the most extensively used product lines on the planet is of course sanitary pads or tampons. The monthly bloody cycle is a harsh truth for everyone. Getting away from it is possible, though it comes at a great cost that probably none of us wants to pay. As long as there are women with a healthy uterus and an in-built want to become happy mums, sanitary products like period pads and tampons shall always be their saviour. The vagina is however not a very simple organ, is it? Women don’t just have the monthly discharge of blood but a lot of other fluids that the vaginal walls secrete for protection and to get you ready for action on the bed. The only trouble is, that none of these fluids is really under control. How could you even tell th...